Services » Medical Technology
Our medical professionals are highly trained
Many new technologies have been developed to help seniors and loved ones remain at home in familiar surroundings. At Nightingale, we have made it our goal to offer clients the best and most current technology to help seniors live at home, which offers peace of mind to them and family members as well.
Nightingale Home Healthcare has continually been on the forefront of those technologies, even pioneering many of them in some states. We use Home Monitoring that records blood pressure and other vital signs in the convenience of the home and then sends the results to a health care professional to monitor. We also recently developed CarePort, which delivers prescribed physical therapy exercises into the home via an easy-to-use screen, and we utilize a Medication Reminder for that all-important dosing that is often the mainstay for keeping seniors independent and out of the hospital. Along with these programs, we offer a personal alarm system, phototherapy, and a physician's portal. Detailed descriptions of each of these services are available by clicking on the buttons at left or by calling us at 866-334-7777.