If you answered yes to even one of these conditions, please call us at 866-334-7777 to discuss enrollment in VitalStim Therapy program.
VitalStim Therapy is an FDA approved method to promote swallowing through the application of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation to the swallowing muscles in the anterior neck.
It was developed in response to the 15 million Americans living with dysphagia today.
It is a non-invasive, external electrical stimulation therapy designed as an adjunct modality, meaning a clinician will apply VitalStim while simultaneously working with the patient on swallowing exercises. It is used in addition to traditional swallowing treatment.
Patients frequently see dramatic improvement in 6-20 daily sessions. Electrical stimulation proved to be significantly more effective in restoring swallow function.
In patients with severe dysphasia, well over 1/3 were able to restore swallowing function completely.
The Nightingale Home Healthcare VitalStim Therapy program provides a strong strategy to help people with swallowing problems. Our licensed nurses, physical therapists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists provide a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach that ensures the most successful outcome for our patients’ needs.